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Parrós Obras S.L. CIF/NIF: B-13207741, is a holder of the domain It has his head office in the Road Virgen del Monte Km. 1, Cod. Postal 13260, Of the locality of Bolaños de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). The this company inscribed in the Mercantile record of Ciudad Real, I take 137, Foliate 47, Leaf CR-4827, Inscription 1 ª. It can contact for telephone +34 926 884 705, fax: +34 926 884 706 or e-mail:


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These are the general and particular conditions that regulate the access and use of Parrós Obras web site S.L.

The present web site this one designed to announce and to put at the disposal of the public (in forward the user) that accedes to the domain (in forward web site) information, information, products and services (the content).


The person who access to this web site acquires the user's condition of the same one. This implies the knowledge and the acceptance of the general conditions and in his case, particular conditions that regulate the access and the use of this web site. We recommend the periodic access to the conditions of utilization of the web site to know the changes, modifications and updates that could take place.

The web site understands texts, graphs, images, videoes, sounds, drawings, photographies and software included in the same one, Already be touchy or not of intellectual property.

The access to the web site is free, without previous authorization, Subscription or record, Except for the contents and specific services in which the subscription or the record of the user is necessary and like that it decides in the general or particular conditions.

Parrós Obras, S.L. . can limit the access to specific areas of the web site. In this case, the record of the identification data of the user is necessary (see Politics of Privacy). Once facilitated the necessary information, the access will be possible across a user's name and password. The user's name and facilitated password or in his case chosen by the user it is of personal and intransferible character. The user compromises himself to his utilization of diligent form, not being able to facilitate to third parties this information. In case of loss, oblivion or suspicion of not authorized utilization it will have to be contacted to the major possible briefness with Parrós Obras, S.L.

The service given by Parrós Obras, S.L. by means of his web site is in indefinite time. Parrós Obras, S.L. promises to maintaining the quality and accuracy of the content and use of the website. The holder of the web site saves himself the right to modify or update the conditions of access or suspends the access to the web site, or part of the web site without previous notice.

Intellectual Property

Users who access the web site agree not to access the website and the content in a manner contrary to the established and / or illegal purposes, violate the rights and freedoms of others, or that they could damage, spoil, saturate or slow down the web site, to the detriment of the holder of the web site or of third users.


The Access to the contents of the website by you is entirely under his responsibility not being able to reverberate to the holder of the web site any negative consequence direct derivative or indirectly of the access to the web site, Already be to physical, logical, moral or personal level.

The content of the website is intended to inform and publicize the activities, Products and services given by Parrós Obras.

Parrós Obras S.L. will be able to modify the contents, as well as to suppress and to change these inside the web site, as the form in which one accedes, In order to improve the quality or to correct mistakes and trying to minimize at all time the negative consequences that these changes can provoke the users.

Parrós Obras S.L. is a holder of the rights of industrial and intellectual property of the web site, as well as the content provided. And they will understand included the information, messages, graphs, files of sound and image, photographies, Recordings, programs of computer, databases, technology know-how, to mark, distinctive signs, Logos and in general any class of creation Or accessible material across the web site that is of his property, As well as of the own web site.

In the web site also they can be accessible contents, Services and information, Property of third parties, Whose rights are equally protected by the in force legislation as for industrial and intellectual property.

Any use of the web site or of his contents will have to have exclusively particular character. There is reserved to Parrós Obras S.L. any other use that supposes the copy, Reproduction, Transformation, Public communication or any other similar action of everything or part of the contents of the web site, As well as of the same one, For what no user will be able to carry out these actions for other ends without the previous authorization and in writing of Parrós Obras S.L.

There is not allowed the use of the contents of the web site to promote, To contract or to spread advertising or own information or of third persons without Parrós Obras's authorization S.L. To send advertising or information on that they put at the disposal of the users, Independently of if the utilization is free or not.

The links or hyperlinks that incorporate third parties in his web pages directed into this web site will be for the opening of the complete web site and from the page of beginning (home), Not being able to demonstrate, Direct or indirectly, False indications, Inaccurate or confused, To incur disloyal or illicit actions in opposition to Parrós Obras S.L.

Parrós Obras S.L. puts mechanisms of control on the quality of the links (links) that join to the web site, Nevertheless it cannot take responsibility of the reliability and rapidity of the same ones, It does not guarantee the usefulness of these links, or the content or services to which the user can access through these links, or the proper functioning of third-party Web sites.


For any controversy that could arise for the utilization of the web site or of the contents subject to these conditions, The parts surrender with express resignation to any other jurisdiction, To the Courts and Courts of Ciudad Real (Spain). © 2019 GRUPO PARROS ISO9001,ISO14001
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